Of course Graham wanted to be something for Halloween that you really can’t purchase in the stores. The truth is, I was kind of excited to face the challenge of making Angry Bird costumes and have learned a few things along the way. Here’s what I did.
First of all, I thought that it would be in my best interest to purchase a simple pumpkin sewing pattern. Birds are shaped like pumpkins right? After talking to a blog reader I think you could avoid sewing by purchasing an oversized hoodie or sweatshirt and applying the applique face.
The pattern I purchased called for sleeves so I had to make a few adjustments. I knew that my kids would be more comfortable in their own clothes underneath. I used fleece to create the main body of the costume. Graham wanted to be the black bomb bird and I thought Davis would look cute as the little blue bird!
When Graham found out that the face of the bird was going to be on the front of the costume he was a little bit disappointed. So, I thought it should be easy enough to create masks. The good news is that it really is not that hard! I found this free pattern on the Internet that I used to guide the main shape and position of the eye holes. I used Heat’ n Bond in order to place the pieces of felt on the mask and sewed the straps on with the sewing machine. I also added some stitching over the beak so that it would be sturdy. When you use felt you do not have to worry about raveling.
In order to create the face and masks I looked at different images online of each of the birds and free handed the cutouts. The appliques on the front of the costume are also done with felt and are put on with Heat ‘n Bond. I love ironing on since I am no sewing professional! Besides, it makes life so much easier.
Overall, I think these turned out great! The best test is that Graham is super excited to wear his!
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Hi! I need to make a pink bird costime for my daughter for halloween. First time that I’m going to venture into this. I thought that the main body of the costume might be easy enough for me to do. Could you pls tell me how you did it or where can I get the pattern for it? thanks for your help.
I used a Simplicity Pattern for a pumpkin. You could do the same or just use an oversized sweatshirt, but the arms off and cinch the bottom.